Wednesday, October 18, 2006

October 18th 2006

Mark Foley
Disgraced former Congressman Mark Foley, who claimed he was sexually abused by a Roman Catholic clergyman when he was a teen, will reveal the man's identity to the Archdiocese of Miami, his attorney said Tuesday. Some Republicans suggested the name of the abuser was Father "Bill O’ Clinton."

Disgraced former Congressman Mark Foley will visit the Archdiocese of Miami to reveal the name of the clergyman Foley claims abused him when he was a teen. Apparently during the meeting the former congressman and some priests will exchange ideas on how to prevent abuse of kids and exchange pictures and videos of teen pages.

Some political reporters claim that the Foley scandal is not a novelty and that congress has a long tradition of messing up with teen pages. This tradition goes so far back that the Congressional pages used to be known as "Congressional Papyrus."

Radio Hosts
President Bush met yesterday with a group of conservative radio hosts in the Oval Office. The meeting lasted more than expected not for the interesting conversation, but because when it came time for the picture none of the radio hosts wanted to pose on Bush’s left side.

President Bush met today with a group of conservative radio hosts in the Oval Office. These fearless reporters were not intimidated by the presence of their leader and asked tough questions throughout the entire meeting like: Mr. President, do you like your coffee black? Or ......sugar Mr. President?

Mike Tyson
Mike Tyson wants to have a boxing match against a female middle-weight boxer. He is thinking of training with someone that has experience fighting women, Bobby Brown.

75% of parents are not saving enough money to send their kids to college because they think their children are good enough to get a scholarship. The other 25 % are not saving money either, but rather because they are counting on the settlement money after they sue a high school teacher for having sex with their kids.

In other news...
Some Muslim taxi drivers in Chicago oppose to transporting passengers carrying alcohol of any sort because their faith strictly forbids that. Others simply oppose of passengers with alcohol because they are afraid Mel Gibson might ask for a ride.

The non-profit Swiss foundation called "New7Wonders" is taking votes on the new Seven Wonders of the World. So far heading the wonders list: "I wonder why the heck we invaded Iraq"

According to a new book about Hillary Clinton, democrats are concerned about her chances to win the next elections because there are rumors Bill Clinton is cheating again. When Hilary was asked about these rumors, she said: I didn’t even know he’d ever stopped.