Sunday, October 22, 2006

October 22nd 2006

Gray’s Anatomy
In an effort to quiet unnecessary rumors about his sexuality, "Grey's Anatomy" star T.R. Knight admitted he's gay. Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert summoned a press conference to say he did not know about it.

In an effort to quiet unnecessary rumors about his sexuality, "Grey's Anatomy" star T.R. Knight admitted he's gay. Now the other members of the show understand why he always offered himself when it came to shooting episodes on prostate exams.

Republican officials now concede they could lose several seats in the House. But even when they admit defeat you can see Karl Rove genius strategy behind this admission because most of the officials say they are going to lose "9 or 11" seats.

According to a Wall Street Journal poll only sixteen percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing. Their job record is so poor that even after the Foley’s sex scandal the great majority of Americans would dare turn their back on congressmen.

Scientists from Duke University have designed the first-ever working invisibility cloak. It was already ordered by the Bush administration to make the Foley’s sex scandal disappear .

Scientists from Duke University have designed the first-ever working invisibility cloak. The same one that Nicole Richie has been wearing for the last couple of years.

According to "Us Weekly" Britney Spears has already lost 26 pounds. It seems the baby when out for a drive again and has not come back.