Sunday, January 14, 2007

January 14th 2007

President Bush spent some time yesterday in a military base in western Georgia to see how soldiers reacted to his new strategy for Iraq. The White House is not that optimistic, especially when they found out the menu selected by the soldiers to have lunch with Bush was pretzels a la crème.

A picture of a teary-eyed President Bush presenting the Medal of Honor to a war hero in the East Room circulated all over the web yesterday. That wasn’t the only medal of honor the White House gave yesterday, the other awarded person was the photographer in charge of photoshop.

Tom Delay’s New Book
Disgraced ex-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay’s book is about to be released. The name is not confirmed yet, but some people believe it is called "If I took it…" (the money)

Disgraced ex-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay’s book is about to be released. The publishing company thinks it could be a great reading material when you flight in corporate jets, or while dinning in expensive restaurants.

Trailer Park
Residents of a coastal trailer-park town in Florida approved the sale of their community to a developer for more than $510 million. Apparently the trailers will be turned into luxurious houses for the rich. Just the opposite of Britney Spears that turned her luxurious house into a trailer.