Tuesday, January 16, 2007

January 16th 2007

Condi Rice
Ashley Harder, Miss New Jersey USA, has resigned because she is pregnant. The now former Miss New Jersey said to be extremely happy with the arrival of a new baby because according to Senator Barbara Boxer, in future pageant contests, she’ll have more rights to wish world peace than other contestants.

Condi Rice was in the Middle East this weekend with a really difficult and stressful task: trying to broker a peace deal between the Palestinians and Israelis. She was happy; she really needed a peaceful vacation after the last couple of days in the US.

Senator Hillary Clinton traveled to the Middle East over the weekend and met with the leaders of Iraq and Pakistan and Afghanistan. Former president Clinton, on the other hand, stayed in New York and met with the leaders of Hooters, Scores and Deja Vu.

Saddam’s Brother
Some political experts believe the decapitation of Saddam Hussein's half brother yesterday was planned by the Iraqi government to scare the Sunni Muslims. According to analysts the beheading didn’t have that effect on the Sunnis, but they cannot say the same about Bush’s brother Jeb.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, between 2000 and 2005, the number of American men having lip augmentation went up 458%. Apparently kissing the bosses’ asses has become the only way you can get a promotion.