Friday, April 04, 2008

April 4th 2008

Friday Leftovers.... Hi there, please feel free to send any comments, suggestions or ideas
You all have a great weekend.

Randi Rhodes
Air America host Randi Rhodes was suspended for calling Hillary Clinton a whore in a recent appearance. Hillary ignored the comments and said that if she was truly a whore all the superdelagates would vote for her.

New Kids on the Block
They may be pushing 40, but the New Kids on the Block are returning are planning to go on tour. They said they decided to keep the name despite of their ages, because they just moved to McCain’s neighborhood.

Supermodel Naomi Campbell was arrested at Heathrow Airport yesterday for spitting at a police officer. Apparently the officer didn’t want to return the cell phone she had thrown at him first .

In an upcoming autobiography, Bobby Brown said he never tried cocaine until he met Whitney Houston. Apparently until then, he had only done crack because he could not afford cocaine.

Sex therapists say the optimal amount of time for sexual intercourse is three to 13 minutes . Apparently that includes the time for the cigarette, the pizza and the usual apologies.

A study from the University of North Dakota found that drinking one cup of coffee per day can actually help prevent some forms of dementia. The study was immediately debunked by the fact only crazy people would pay more than 5$ for a Starbucks.

Sen. Barack Obama said Wednesday he would give Al Gore, a major role in an Obama administration . Later on, Obama clarified his statement and said that he just meant Al Gore has major rolls and should lose weight.

Is that a guitar in your pants?
Police are searching for a man accused of shoving an electric guitar in his pants and walking out of a store in Lewiston, Maine. Apparently Prince expressed a strong desire for that guitar which he said he would buy to play Jimmy Hendrix style, with his mouth.