Septtembet 7th 2006
Hi there, I don't usually write anything but I want to thank with all my heart Ken for posting one of my jokes in Newsday, it means a lot to me. (hopefully someday it'll help me to get my Green Card!!!!!)By the way those Myspace fans, you have to check Ken's blog, one of the funniest and interesting there.,0,7119253.story
And also wanna thank my friend Joe from Halife, one of the best sites on the net (if not the best) for posting my jokes. Thanks a lot, if you guys come to Seattle, just let me know!!!!
Contaminated Water
Scientists say abnormal "intersex" fish, with both male and female characteristics, have been discovered in the Potomac River and its tributaries across the Capitol Region. Others scientists disagree and say it was just Ann Coulter taking a swim.
Scientists discovered an abnormal "intersex" fish, with both male and female characteristics in the Potomac River raising questions about how contaminants are affecting people who drink tap water in Washington D. C. Congressmen claim there’s nothing to worry about because they mostly drink alcohol.
In a recent study scientists revealed that obese people are twice as likely to lose their eyesight. Apparently those who surround them might get blind too because I have been telling my wife lately that she looks good in those pants.
Film Festival
The Toronto International Film Festival this year premieres a movie about a fictitious murder of US President George W. Bush. According to Canadians this is the first time millions of Americans are going to travel to Canada for different reasons than cheap medicines and great strippers.
Google is adding new services to its search engine and is offering news archives going back 300 years. Lots of people suggested this idea because they wanted to know more about the beginnings of the Rolling Stones.
Iranian President
Islamic Republic News Agency reports that Iranian president Ahmadinejad intends to travel to NYC and hopes to speak at the UN. Ahmadinejad told the news agency that if he doesn’t debate Bush in the U.S. then Bush might follow him to have the debate in Iran.
Islamic Republic News Agency reports that Iranian president Ahmadinejad intends to travel to NYC and hopes to speak at the UN. According to the news agency the fact that they saw Ahmadinejad buying diapers is an indication he might be staying at Mike Wallace’s house.
Al Gore
“An Inconvenient Truth,” Al Gore’s movie, is going to be released on DVD. The DVD is going to be totally eco-friendly and the packaging will consist entirely of recycled waste products. Unfortunately lots of people are going to be watching the movie on their Hi-Def TVs installed in their huge SUV’s.
An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore’s movie, is going to be released on DVD. The packaging will consist entirely of recycled waste products, including the movie.
Fear Tactics
Latest polls suggest the Bush administration's fear tactic might be working better than they expected. After Rumsfeld and Bush’s latest speeches more and more people are afraid... of them...
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