Friday, January 26, 2007

January 26th 2007

Scooter Libby’s lawyers told the press that he felt abandoned and ignored by the White House as the leak investigation intensified. Abandoned by the White House? Welcome to our club!

In other news...
Supermodel Tyra Banks says she is not worried she’s gained so much weight. She claims she wanted her weight to match her ego.

According to a new survey, 84 percent of Americans are not currently working in their dream job. Look at me; I’m doing this lame survey when in fact I want to be a ballerina.

Grey’s anatomy actor Isaac Washington headed to rehab after he made some gay remarks on the set of the show. According to producers he did not go to the Betty Ford Clinic, he went to the Betty Prius Clinic instead.

The former treasurer of NBC Universal was arrested Thursday on charges of robbery. Apparently he stole 2.1.... 2.1 share and $800 thousand.