Friday, February 23, 2007

February 23rd 2007

Britney Spears is once again back in rehab for the third time in a week. Apparently she has a punching card and after the ten visits she gets a discount.

British troops
In the last couple of nights, American Idol contestants fired back every time Simon Cowell made a rude comment about them. Apparently, since Britain decided to withdraw the troops from Iraq, contestants don’t need to put up with the stupid limey anymore.

Find an Illegal
Only nine students signed up for the contest called "Find an Illegal" a game organized by the Republican club at New York University and no one actually won. If the Republican youth of New York university were unable to find an illegal, good luck finding Osama Bin Laden.

Almost nobody signed to play a game organized by the Republican club at New York University called "find an illegal." Apparently the organizers of the game were forced to drive to the nearest Home Depot to recruit some contestants.

Anna Nicole
Morticians advised the judge in the Anna Nicole Smith’s case to hurry up and bury Anna’s body because it has shown signs of decomposing. They believe that soon it’ll be difficult to tell James Brown’s body from Anna Nicole’s.

Judge Larry Seidlin, the judge in the Anna Nicole’s case made his decision yesterday and gave custody of Anna's remains to her five-month-old daughter, Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern. The little baby said that if she has any problems she can always ask Britney Spears' sons for help.