Sunday, February 18, 2007

February 18th 2007

Fox News will air a new TV show called "The 1/2 Hour News Hour," which is Fox's so-called response to the liberal-leaning "Daily Show" with John Stewart. From now onwards Fox News will only be funny 23 hours and 30 minutes.

One of the producers of the megahit TV show "24" is working on a new show called "The 1/2 Hour News Hour," which is Fox's so-called response to the liberal-leaning "Daily Show" with John Stewart. Critics who got to see the new show believe it keeps the essence of 24, mostly the torture part.

Anna Nicole
Dr. Sandeep Kapoor the guy who allegedly supplied Anna Nicole Smith with methadone and other drugs is now being investigated by the California Medical Board for possible misconduct. He is also getting lots of phone calls from Rush Limbaugh and tons of Hollywood celebrities.

After the Anna Nicole Smith ‘s death , Trimspa , the weight loss supplements company decided to change its slogan to " Trimspa and let the worms eat the fat out of you"

Kenny Chesney
During an interview with CNN host Anderson Cooper, country singer Kenny Chesney said he is not gay. It was a sad night for Anderson Cooper that didn’t have enough time to get another date to go to the "Fashion Week" in New York.

Britney (sorry but I have to)
Britney Spears shaved her head at a Los Angeles hair salon. Well at least now the carpet matches the drapes!