Sunday, February 11, 2007

February 11th 2007

Fattest City
According to "Men’s Fitness" magazine, Las Vegas has been named the fattest city in the United States. Apparently what happens in Vegas stays in your ass.

NASA vowed Wednesday to do a better job of screening astronauts for mental distress after Lisa Nowak’s scandal.No words from the White House yet.

Nancy Pelosi and the department of Defense got involved into a verbal joust about the size of the plane Pelosi wanted to use to travel. Apparently the controversy didn’t start when The Pentagon couldn’t guarantee a bigger plane , but rather when they suggested Pelosi could always fly on her broom.

In Arizona, three models of small hybrid cars will be permitted to use car pool lanes on area freeways. Apparently this is not a state effort to clear the air; the governor realized that is difficult to find companion when you are an annoying pompous smug.

Investigators in charge of Anna Nicole Smith's autopsy said that it’ll take up to six months to determine what kind of drugs was she taking before her death. In order to save time they decided to ask Paula Abdul what kind of drugs she is taking right now.