Thursday, February 01, 2007

January 1st 2007

Joe Biden
Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden referred to Barack Obama as "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy". Bidden added that Obama is such a fine black man that he could even heckle Michael Richards in a comedy club and get a smile back from the comedian.

Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden said during an interview that Hillary Clinton’s position is calibrated and confusing. Hillary's position is calibrated and confusing? no wonder Bill cheated on her.

Iraq Aid
Tens of millions of U.S. dollars have been wasted in Iraq reconstruction aid, some of it on an Olympic-size swimming pool ordered up by Iraqi officials, investigators say. President Bush apologized and said that actually the pool was meant to be built for the victims of Katrina.

Britney Spears
A woman, who was repeatedly told she needed to lose weight, soon discovered why years of dieting simply didn't work; she was carrying around a 93 pound tumor that was removed recently. Apparently Britney got rid of it when she divorced K-Fed.

K-Fed recently turned down an offer of $25 million to disappear from Britney’s life and the lives of their two kids. Federline said he won’t give up his boys for $25 millions because he knows he can get a lot more for them in the celebrity adoption market.

Britney Spears is selling the mansion she shared with estranged husband Kevin Federline for 13-point-five-million-dollars, twice the amount Spears paid for the pad in 2004. Britney said she would wave off a million if you happened to find one of her babies that she lost in the house a while ago.

In Cyprus, dogs now have their very own exclusive beach. Unfortunately they continue pooping in ours.

A Russian man lost his wife in a game of poker after putting her up as a bet instead of cash. Apparently he was dealt a royal flush and suspiciously folded to a pair of 5’s.

Libby Trial
The press secretary Tony Snow said President Bush is not following the Libby Trial. According to the president he did miss a few episodes of Judge Judy.