Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ferbuary 21st 2007

Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Ben Stiller, and Eddie Murphy, among other actors, attended a Beverly Hills fundraiser for US presidential hopeful Barack Obama . Political analysts believe Obama will do really well among the Hollywood crowd because being half-black gives anybody a chance to play him in a future movie.

Gasoline Price
The average price of gasoline bounced up 5.5 cents in the past week, marking the third consecutive week of price increases. Now even crazy astronauts will be forced to drive a hybrid when attempting to kill a romantic rival.

A company is selling a new brand of bottled water that costs 75$. It is called "Chevron spring water."

According to People magazine Britney Spears has voluntarily checked herself into an undisclosed rehab facility. Unfortunately for Britney, her shaved head makes her look like a young boy and she might have to share the showers with former congressman Mark Foley.

According to People magazine Britney Spears has checked herself into an undisclosed rehab facility for the second time in the past 3 days. Doctors didn’t believe Britney’s lame excuses: first she claimed she had left the rehab center because she needed to take care of her kids, and now she said she returned because she forgot her underwear.

According to the American media al-Qaeda is regrouping and building new training camps in the tribal areas of Pakistan. Judging by the videos shown in all the news cable shows, it seems al-Qaeda saved enough money to buy new monkey bars.

Anna Nicole
In a Pew survey 61 percent of Americans say the Anna Nicole Smith saga is being over covered, the other 39 percent were too busy to answer because their asses were glued to the TV set watching Nancy Grace covering Anna Nicole’s case.