Sunday, February 25, 2007

February 25th 2007

TV stations showed a video of about a dozen rats running around a KFC-Taco Bell restaurant in Greenwich Village. The president of Taco bell blamed Democrats for what happened because their restaurants is the only place Congressmen can afford after the restriction on lobbyist’s meals.

Anna Nicole
Now that the Anna Nicole’s case is over in the Florida Court, the crazy judge, Larry Seidlin said he is considering some offers to continue his life in other work fields . Apparently he received an offer by Fox TV to become a TV judge and also an offer from NASA to join its space program.

Morticians said that time is of the essence in the burial of Anna Nicole Smith, especially because the essence from her body is getting stinkier.

The Bush administration said they will sanction Iran for its failure to respect a U.N. deadline to halt its uranium enrichment. A cruel Dick Cheney threatened with sending Nancy Grace instead of Dianne Sawyer for a future interview with the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Helen Thomas
After complaints heard all over the media about the decision of moving Helen Thomas out of the front row in the White House briefing room, authorities backpedaled and said they want to give the old journalist a chance to get the chair back. Apparently she’ll have to play musical chairs against the people of Fox News.

Dick Cheney
Dick Cheney says Britain's decision to withdraw 1,600 troops from Iraq is actually a sign things are improving there. The Vice president added that we are sending troops to Iraq to thank the British soldiers for their help with a 20,000 gun salute.