Tuesday, April 10, 2007

April 10th 2007

White House
During the traditional annual White House Easter Egg Roll, Laura Bush said that in Washington they know spring has arrived when the White House lawn is filled with children for the Easter Egg Roll. Unlike the Clinton administration when they knew Spring had arrived when Bill would walk the White House lawn in his underwear.

According to an AP-Ipsos poll, public approval for Congress is at its highest level in years. Unfortunately the poll includes only the week congress was on vacation.

Scientists say they may have finally come up with a workable design for an invisibility cloak. They have been testing it for a while on Dennis Kucinich in the latest presidential campaign.

American Idol
Former American Idol winner, Fantasia Barrino wants everybody to know she isn’t completely illiterate. In a written statement the singer said quote" I ain’t no a littered"

CBS Radio and MSNBC both suspended Don Imus' morning talk show for two weeks for making racially-charged comments about the Rutgers University women's basketball team. They chose the two weeks suspension because all the rehab facilities were already booked.

The Rutgers women's basketball team agreed to meet with embattled radio host Don Imus. They are going to be dissapointed because when they were told they were gonna meet a guy in New Yok that wears a cowboy hat and says stupid thing they all thought they were going to see the famous naked cowboy.