Monday, April 02, 2007

April 2nd 2007

Iranian State television aired a video where two of the captured British sailors admitted they invaded Iranian waters and stated that the Iranians have treated them very well. President Bush was appalled by the video because apparently Iranians have better script writers than the U.S. in Gitmo.

This weekend Will Ferrell and John Heder raised an incredible $33 million at the box office. They could not be number one though, Hillary Clinton beat them.

Yesterday some Democratic candidates shared with the media the amount of money they have raised so far in campaign donations: Hillary Clinton raised a record-setting $26 million, Edwards $14 million and Kucinich 1 dollar 25 cents, 3 Canadian coins and 2 buttons.

Senator John McCain admitted he is not raising enough money for his presidential campaign because it seems he cannot get his message across. Campaign advisors decided that to tell McCain’s story better they are going to hire that announcing guy from the movies.

During a press conference in Baghdad, Sen. John McCain insisted Sunday that a U.S.-Iraqi security crackdown in the capital was working and said Americans lacked a "full picture" of the progress. We think it was McCain who said that but he was surrounded by so much security that we are not a 100 percent sure it was him.

Three people were wounded by gunfire early Sunday at a Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards After-party. The shooting started after a group of five was denied admission to the party and one of the angry high school female teachers that were not let in opened fire.

Last Tuesday, Connecticut police arrested a man who claimed to be Dick Cheney after a high-speed chase. The cops doubted at first, but then realized the man wasn’t the vice president because he was driving a Hybrid.

Newt Gingrich said he equates bilingual education with living in the ghetto. Finally Condoleezza Rice will get some Ghetto creed because she speaks 5 languages.

After the West Virginia Mountaineers won the men's basketball NIT Championship, the T-shirts they were handed had a misspelling which said, "West VIRGINA." Hopefully, Ohio doesn’t win tonight because you don’t want to see the misspell they made for the T-shirts that say "Buckeyes."