Thursday, March 29, 2007

March 29th 2007

President Bush once again backed Alberto Gonzales and said there was nothing political behind the firing of New Mexico prosecutor Iglesias and that he’d rather listen to Iglesias’ son Enrique.

At a press conference yesterday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi told president Bush to calm down with the threats because there are new faces in congress, specially hers after the 20th botox injection.

American Idol
Some people believe it must have been the Mohawk that saved contestant Sanjaya Malakar from making the bottom three on American Idol Wednesday night and make him continue one more week in the show. Today some people in Washington DC spotted Alberto Gonzales at a hair salon.

American idol contestant Sanjaya survived one more week in the competition after his Wednesday’ performance wearing a Mohawk. Native-Americans offer to return all the Casinos if Sanjaya doesn’t wear a Mohawk anymore.

16-year-old girl from Hawaii was ordered off a Continental Airlines flight after she began uncontrollably coughing in her seat, according to her family and classmates. What people do not know is that she had diarrhea so every time she’d cough she would........

An environmental group said Tuesday that it had captured a "monster" toad the size of a small dog. Apparently when you kiss it you get a prince of the size of Shakille O’ Neal.

An environmental group said Tuesday that it had captured a "monster" toad the size of a small dog. The toad was so big, Snoop Doggy Dog and his entire crew can get high by licking it.

Karl Rove
During the Radio and Television Correspondents' Association dinner, President Bush's political adviser Karl Rove participated in an improvised rap song. Rove couldn’t avoid it and dropped the N word several times: Nancy Pelosi.

During the Radio and Television Correspondents' Association dinner, President Bush's political adviser Karl Rove participated in an improvised rap song. He refused at first and pleaded the fifth.

During the Radio and Television Correspondents' Association dinner, President Bush's political adviser Karl Rove participated in an improvised rap song. He immediately received a phone call to be part of the Mafia, the "Three Six Mafia".