Monday, March 26, 2007

March 26th 2007

Elton John
Former US President Bill Clinton paid warm tribute to Elton John during Elton's 60th birthday bash at Madison Square Garden. Clinton welcomed Sir Elton to the '60-year-olds' club'. Unfortunately for the rock star, his wig was too young to be admitted in the club.

Former US President Bill Clinton paid warm tribute to Elton John during Elton's 60th birthday bash at Madison Square Garden. People cheered when Bill showed up on stage and commented that Hilary looked presidential next to him, unfortunately the one next to Clinton was Elton John.

A vote on the .xxx domain Internet address could be voted on next week. All pornographic web sites would be given the domain. From now onwards, Doc Com sites will have less hits than Britney Spears after she went bald.

A vote on the .xxx domain Internet address could be voted on next week. All pornographic web sites would be given the domain. From now onwards, Doc Com sites will have less visitors than Alberto Gonzales.

Katie Couric
Katie Couric on 60 MINUTES aggressively questioned John and Elizabeth Edwards after the announcement that Mrs. Edwards had cancer and that he would stay in the race. In an attempt to change the course of the conversation Edwards opened his bag and started applying lipstick.

Jealous Wife
A Brazilian woman was convicted of stabbing, chopping, frying her husband and serve him as food to some people. The police doesn’t know the cause yet, however the fact that all the female neighbors were familiar with the taste of the food gave them a clue.

Scientists have created a sheep that is 15 percent human giving farmers a legitimate excuse when they are caught by their wives.