Thursday, April 05, 2007

April 5th 2007

Hey I wanna thank Ken Rasak and Newsday for publishing one of my jokes (once again they made my day),0,4891025.storyand now that I am at it, I wanna thank for posting my jokes, the best site for topical jokes on the web. Thanks a lot!

Hillary Clinton and Obama are neck to neck when it comes to raising money from individual donations. Hillary seems to have the lead with the support of various 527 groups but Obama beat her soundly when it comes to the support of "420 groups" though.

Iranian Crisis
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called the release of the 15 captive British sailors an Easter gift. Actually he released 14 and hid one for the Easter British captured soldier hunt.

A new company allows clients to invest in "timeshare" Ferraris, which they can use a few weeks out of the year. Hopefully I get to drive it before Eddie Griffith does.

The World Bank will give $164.5 million to Kenya, Burundi and Madagascar for high speed internet connections. They were ecstatic about it, because they will finally be able to look at pictures of what food looks like.

Despite the Mark Foley’s scandal, the house page program got a record number of applications. Apparently teenagers want to meet face to face with some of the people they met on Myspace.

Fred Goldman is planning to auction the publishing rights of the OJ Simpson's book "If I Did It". He wants to change the name though, to something that might help OJ’s book sales: "Blades of Glory."

Japanese musicians have set the record for the longest concert ever at 184 hours. Apparently they almost played “in a gadda da vida” three times.