Friday, April 20, 2007

April 20th 2007

People" magazine is taking American Idol Sanjaya as a guest to the annual White House Correspondent's Association Dinner. President Bush said he is looking forward to meeting him because he is having problems with Windows vista.

A woman arrested in Washington last week registered a .47 blood-alcohol content on a breath test, the highest blood-alcohol level registered in state history. She was ecstatic and immediately suggested to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

Taxi Baby
A 9-month pregnant woman gave birth in the back seat of a taxi en route to a hospital in Queens. Unfortunately what people do not know is that when she boarded that cab she was only 1 month pregnant.

Obama and Hillary
Federal records show that Barack Obama has more campaign staffers and consultants that his rival Hillary Clinton. Apparently even Obama has a better posse than Hillary.

A duck famous for being born with four legs has lost one of its limbs after it got caught in its special pen. It was immediately invited to participate in "Ducking with the stars."

A duck famous for being born with four legs has lost one of its limbs after it got caught in its special pen. It now causes goose bumps among female ducks when they hear he is a duck with three legs.

During his testimony in front of the Senate committee, Alberto Gonzales claimed a faulty memory seventy two times. Apparently hours after the meeting was over Gonzales was seen wandering around the streets of Capitol Hill because he couldn’t remember where he had parked his car.