Wednesday, June 20, 2007

June 20th 2007

Hillary Clinton picked "You and I," a Celine Dion song, as part of her political campaign. Not to be outdone, Presidential Republican candidate John McCain also chose another Celine Dion song as part of his political campaign: The theme song of “Titanic.”

In her latest ad Hillary Clinton spoofs the recent 'Sopranos' finale and ends the ad with the screen going black. Like in the Sopranos, people immediately speculated all sort of things, most saying that the screen going black means Obama opened the door and shot her.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg left the Republican Party yesterday and became unaffiliated; because like in any sinking boat, the rich are the first ones to abandon it.

The Vatican yesterday released “The Commandments of Driving” starting with: “Thou shall not drive after the third mass if you are a priest.” Apparently 3 challis of wine goes over the Vatican alcohol limit.

The Vatican yesterday released “The Commandments of Driving” starting with: “Thou shall not jump onto a moving car, especially if the car is a Popemobil.”

After the immigration reform bill is approved by the senate, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is considering breaking up the Senate measure into smaller pieces. Apparently when it comes to the building of the wall congressmen are going to discuss it brick by brick.

President Bush denied ever deleting any compromising e-mail in the White House. He admitted he tried though, but the computer would not go through the shredder.

Diet Pill
A diet pill approved by the FDA which promises to help you lose 50% more weight than dieting alone is flying off the shelves despite its side effects of abnormal flatulence, oily discharges and heavy diarrhea. Manufacturers of the pill are selling the product together with cold medicine so you don’t catch a cold and sneeze.