Sunday, June 24, 2007

June 24th 2007

Voting dog
A Woman in Washington who registered her dog to vote to make a point of how easy it is for voters to register illegally could end up in jail. Fortunately like millions of men do in other circumstances of life she could always blame the dog.

A Woman in Washington who registered her dog to vote to make a point of how easy it is for illegal immigrants to vote could end up in jail. Officials complained that the old lady didn’t make a valid point especially because the dog she registered wasn’t a chihuahua.

A new nationwide survey finds that 29 percent of American men report having 15 or more female sexual partners in a lifetime. The number of sexual partners decreased considerably in the last couple of weeks with Paris Hilton in jail and Lindsay Lohan in rehab.

Hillary and Bill Clinton did a spoof of the final episode of The Sopranos to announce the winner of Hillary’s song contest. During the ad Clinton mentions that one of his favorite songs was "Smash Mouth" which apparently reminds him one of his favorite intern’s nickname .

The US space agency said they would have preferred to land the shuttle in Florida as it costs nearly two million dollars to have landed it in California. I didn’t know parking was so expensive in LA these days?

A study conducted by the University of Munich and Princeton University found that the United States population has gotten shorter. Maybe it is not that the population has gotten shorter, maybe is that there are more Mexicans living in the States.

Paris Hilton
During her time in Jail, Paris Hilton read the bible and said that her favorite part was the "parable of the talents" where Jesus teaches you to exploit your talent wisely. That is why as soon she leaves jail she is going to shoot another porn movie.