Wednesday, February 06, 2008

February 6th 2008

Super Tuesday
Well, yesterday was Super Tuesday, a day where millions of Americans gathered in front of the TV set to watch American Idol.

No clear Democratic leader emerged from Super Tuesday. Hillary campaign staffers believed she could have done much better if she had lost her voice at the beginning of her campaign.

President Bush on Monday became the first president to post his federal budget online and not print it. You can check it at

President Bush on Monday became the first president to post his federal budget online and not print it. Does that tell you something of how much money we’re spending when even Bush becomes conscious of the amount of printing paper we’re going to use?

A company has designed a product called Wine-rack, a bra that you can fill up with wine. Apparently that was the present that tipped Ted Kennedy’s support in favor of Obama.

Bob Knight
Basketball coach Bob Knight has retired. He said he was too old to coach, especially when he felt he was not strong enough to slap or to strangle any of his players.

Hillary Clinton cut short an interview due to severe coughing, which some people thought was faked. Apparently, that is Hillary’s technique every time Bill asks for some intimate time.