Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11th 2008

Hey everybody I'm in Newsday! Thanks to Mr Rasak, and the people at Newsday for choosing one of my jokes. It is always awesome to be published next to important comedy writers. Check the link:,0,5607334.story

Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin is trying to convince people she's the right person to boost an ill economy. She said there's no reason for the U.S. to have a bear market when you can just take a shotgun into the woods and kill them for free."

Political analysts started to say that John McCain is running his campaign hiding behind Sarah Palin’s skirt. And advantage that Obama will never have with Hillary Clinton.

YouTube has removed a McCain’s webad that features Katie Couric on the request of CBS. Actually the McCain campaign pulled it off, because like Couric’s newscasts on CBS, nobody was watching the ad.

According to Gov. David Patterson , Republicans are using the phrase "Community Organizer" as a code for "Black". Like during a party Republicans would say : here comes a Community Organizer", hide your wallet.

According to Gov. David Patterson , Republicans are using the phrase "Community Organizer" as a code for "Black". A trendy expression that replaced the old Macaca one.

The media was flooded with people this Wednesday saying that Obama compared Sarah Palin with a pig and McCain compared Hillary with a pig. Pigs were outraged.

You can put lipstick on a pig and it's still a pig... a very fruity one, but still a pig.

A newborn girl was found abandoned in a women's toilet in China's Bird's Nest National Stadium state press said Wednesday. Actually the parents claim the baby was training in the toilet for swimming competitions for the next Olympic Games.

According to a survey by "The Journal of Sexual Medicine", having success with women is less important to a man than having the respect of his friends and family . Unfortunately the only way to have respect among friends is if you have success with women.

Police in England hope to rehabilitate sex offenders by taking them to the movies. They plan to feature the movie "Mamma Mia" which guaranties nobody leaves the movie theater arouse.