Friday, August 29, 2008

August 29th 2008

Friday Leftovers! Please send me an e-mail if you have any comments, ideas, suggestions, offeres, whatever. I love e-mails.
You all have a great weekend, but come back because I might be writing more stuff this weekend.... Thanks. Pedro

Senator John McCain is said to announce his running mate today. Most of the media believes there’s a short list, it could be Pawlenty, Mashed Potatoes or Cole Slaw.

According to the Dayton Daily News, Sen. John McCain was having trouble filling a 10,000 seat arena for a Friday rally where he would unveil his running mate. Then he picked up the phone and called every person that takes care of his houses and problem solved.

According to the Dayton Daily News, Sen. John McCain was having trouble filling a 10,000 seat arena for a Friday rally where he would unveil his running mate. Until he spread the rumor his VP was Obama.

Today is John McCain’s birthday. It is like any other day for the senator, because he forgot it is his birthday.

According to a group called The Center For Public Integrity, possible VP candidate, Mitt Romney, owns at least 51 houses. Apparently one for every wife he’s got.

According to a group called The Center For Public Integrity, possible VP candidate, Mitt Romney, owns at least 51 houses. Even McCain called him rich.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, played basketball on the day of his final speech. Unfortunately the game was quickly interrupted when Jessie Jackson showed up and asked Obama to pass the balls.

Hillary and Bill Clinton got stuck in a elevator shortly after they left their box at the Pepsi Center in Denver. Observers were impressed at how calm everyone remained, especially Bill who has never been together with Hillary for more than a minute.

Republican officials said yesterday that they are considering delaying the start of the GOP convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul because of the Hurricane Gustav. The GOP is afraid FEMA might not arrive in time to save the Republican Party.

Republican officials said yesterday that they are considering delaying the start of the GOP convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul because of Gustav. When Bush heard the news, he called McCain and told him to offer Gustav anything he wants to accept the VP position.

Ellen DeGeneres says that she and Portia de Rossi talk about having kids... so they can both hit on a future nanny.