Monday, September 15, 2008

September 15th 2008

Senator John McCain visited “The View” on Friday. The McCain campaign immediately requested the clip of the interview so they can use it as part of the footage they have been showing of McCain being tortured as POW.

There’s an email going around claiming to have a link to an Obama sex tape. When you open the e-mail it infects your computer with spyware that steals your passwords and bank account data. Hackers tried first with a McCain sex tape e-mail, but nobody cared to open it.

There's an email going around claiming to have a link to an Obama sex tape. When you open the e-mail it infects your computer with spyware that steals your passwords and bank account data. Or just wait until Obama gets elected; after that you are going to lose your bank account anyways.

Several people commented that the interview of Sarah Palin in ABC looked like it was heavily edited. ABC apologized and said that they were forced to cut out every part they caught Charles Gibson staring at Palin’s breast.

Pam Anderson said Sarah Palin can "suck it." I doubt she’s ever done it. Why do you think she has so many kids?

The Republican Party’s new slogan, "Drill here, drill now," is getting more than 50% support from American people and 100% support from the American Dentist Association.

More and more Republicans are saying that Sarah Palin is the next Margaret Thatcher. Democrats agree; she’s like Thatcher now... with dementia.

Amazon is planning to sell U.S. wines over the Internet. That’s a great idea because they take so long to deliver that by the time you get the wine, it is going to be well aged.

White House press secretary Dana Perino said that we haven’t captured Osama because Bush doesn’t have superpowers. That’s arguable; if you see the McCain campaign lately, Bush seems to have the powers of the invisible man.

Fact check groups say that most of the e-mail chains sent by both parties with facts about political candidates are plagued with lies. Even the kings of Africa and the lottery organizers of Scotland complained about the lies.

According to a recent study, eating meat protects you from brain shrinkage. I guess Jessica Simpson must be a vegan, then.

According to an investigation, U.S. hospitals flush millions of pounds of unused pharmaceuticals down the drain, pumping contaminants into America's drinking water. That answered the question of why American swimmers did so well at the Olympics.