Tuesday, November 14, 2006

November 14th 2006

Dead Elected
A South Dakota woman was voted as a County Commissioner even though she had died before election day. There was a huge line at the cemetery to drop flowers by her tombstone: relatives, friends and lots of lobbyists.

Britney Spears has filed for divorce from her husband Kevin Federline. The battle for the custody of the babies has already started. Apparently both are fighting to see who doesn’t have to take care of them.

Britney Spears has filed for divorce from her husband Kevin Federline. The battle for the custody of the babies has already started and it looks nasty. Both Madonna and Angelina Jolie are doing everything they can to adopt them.

A Massachusetts judge has ruled that a burrito is not a sandwich. He based his ruling in the presumption that a McDonald salad is not a real salad either.

US college Students
According to the Institute of International Education, U.S. college students are studying abroad in record numbers. Apparently they are choosing countries where teachers only demand their homework.

Iraq Study Group
President Bush and Tony Blair met Monday with the Iraq Study Group. The group so far determined that we should have had an Iraq study group before we invaded Iraq.

In other news....
It seems some pessimistic GOP members were right. A week after the resounding Democratic victory unemployment grew significantly, tons of Republican political advisors got fired.

A Singapore teen broke the Guinness record for fastest text-messaging when he typed a 160- character message in less than 42 seconds yesterday, which in Britney’s book that would mean 40 break ups.