Sunday, November 05, 2006

November 5th 2006

Political Ads

Nielsen Monitor-Plus counted 942,900 political ads running between August 1 and Oct. 15; up 31 percent from the same period four years ago. Please remind me to buy flowers for my TiVo.

Republican Candidates spent a fortune in political ads for this election. They resorted to a new and modern tactic to fight Tivo, the new enemy of ads on TV. The GOP did a lot of "product placement" in these elections, mostly in the Fox News Channel.

John Kerry
House Majority Leader John Boehner said in an interview that he was really offended by Kerry’s comments on US troops and vowed to beat John Kerry to death until he sincerely apologizes. Hilary Clinton was indignated and replied, "beating Kerry to death? Get in line...”

Senator John Kerry has been attacked and ridiculed by the GOP for some improv comedy about the troops in Iraq that went terribly wrong. Ironically, President Bush has been doing improv in Iraq since the war started and Republicans don’t seem offended at all.

Ted Haggard
The president of the National Association of Evangelicals has resigned amid allegations that he had sex with a 49-year-old male prostitute. There was indignation among people in Capitol Hill who cannot believe someone would pay for a male escort... that old.

The president of the National Association of Evangelicals has admitted to buying methamphetamines from a male escort but claimed he threw the drugs away and never took them. Where, where?? said Whitney Houston and Courtney Love.

The president of the National Association of Evangelicals has resigned amid allegations that he had sex with a 49-year-old male prostitute and that he has used methamphetamines, making rehab centers the economic boom of the decade.