Thursday, November 16, 2006

November 16th 2006

OJ Simpson
FOX will air an interview with O.J. Simpson in which he describes how he would have committed the murders, if he was guilty. The show will be part of a special marathon and it will be followed by "Gary Condit: If I killed my Intern"; Ted Bennet "If I killed my daughter" and Bush "If I killed the GOP."

A top Vatican official called the Bush administration's plans for hundreds of miles of new security fences on the United States-Mexico border "inhuman." The Bush administration cut a deal and if God is willing to let them in heaven, they might consider letting illegals in the US.

President Bush was reported by Newsweek Monday to have enlisted his father's help in the war. Apparently Bush senior advised his son to recruit his former foreign policy advisors, to get rid of Rumsfeld, to eat vegetables and brush three times a day.

Al-Jazeera launched its English-language network Wednesday. They are already thinking of sweep week and decided to air a show called "Bin Laden, If I did it", but without the If.

Al-Jazeera launched its English-language network Wednesday. Conservative pundits started already their attacks on the network. Rush Limbaugh says that they are part of the drive by media, in a camel.

The Forgotten
Evangelist Ted Haggard claimed that he only got a massage from a male escort and he denies being gay because during the massage "It didn’t move."

Mark Foley could be out of rehab in the upcoming days. The rumors come from his neighbors who were apparently visited by cops to warn them a pervert could be moving to town.

James Bond
James Bond made a return to the big screen Wednesday at the world premiere of Casino Royale in London England. Robert Novak dedicated part of his syndicated column to the movie and revealed that James Bond is actor Daniel Craig.