Sunday, November 19, 2006

November 19th 2006

Weird News
A Brazilian woman says that Mimi, her female cat, mated with a neighbor’s dog and gave birth to six offsprings. Apparently one of them is elected Senator Joe Lieberman

A woman told The Enquirer that John Cusimano, Rachael Ray’s husband, has a weird fetish and pays her regularly to spit on his face. He doesn’t need to pay for that, especially after the elections… If you say you are a Bush supporter you could get spitted by Democrats as well as Republicans.

Yael Nezri, an Israeli woman, is enlisted in the army but because she is the current reigning Miss Israel she was allowed to avoid any active duty. President Bush claimed that the reason why he dropped out of the national guard, was because he was chosen the sexiest men alive of Texas 1972.