Tuesday, April 24, 2007

April 24th 2007

Man Uses YouTube For Phone Calls
"The Boston Globe" reports a 20-year-old man included his cellphone number in a YouTube.com video he posted last Friday and invited everybody to call him. He received more than five-thousand phone calls and text messages from all over the world including a nasty voice mail from Alec Baldwin.

American Idol Sanjaya Malakar was one of the most popular guests at the White House Correspondents' Dinner in Washington last Saturday. The line to get Sanjaya’s autograph was almost as long as the line of people trying to sit on Alberto Gonzales’ chair.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg is planning to have one million new trees in New York City by the year 2017. Unfortunately the trees are scented all pine trees and will be hanging from the rearview window of taxi cabs.

The FCC will recommend that Congress enact legislation to curb violence on TV. Fox networks decided to anticipate the future legislation and decided to strip some its shows of all violence, starting with the show 24 now called “2 minutes”

Texting Queen13-year-old Morgan Pozgar was crowned the National Texting champion on Saturday after she typed "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" in 15 seconds. Unfortunately she refused to give autographs at the end of the competition because she doesn’t know howto use a pen.