Monday, June 04, 2007

June 4th 2007

Democratic Debate
During the Democratic Presidential Debate organized by CNN the most prominent candidates were asked the most number of questions. Edwards 13 questions, Hillary 15 and Obama 16, but to be fair, he was asked 8 questions as black Obama and 8 questions as White Obama.

Last Night CNN broadcast the Democratic presidential debate held at Saint Anselm College. The same place will hold a GOP presidential debate in a couple of days. It was really funny when cameras caught Dennis Kucinich carving on his chair "Whoever sits here next sucks."

Bill Clinton
During one of his speeches Bill Clinton said that under President Bush "we're now in the sixth year of an economic recovery that's been great only for rich people." He went on to say: “Thank you Bush. These have been the 6 most profitable years of my life.”

Lindsay Lohan has blamed paparazzies for her latest problem with the abuse of alcohol and drugs because she cannot live a normal life. She claims that now there’s no place to hide from papparazies anymore. The White House immediately decided to launch a special paparazzi unit to find Osama Bin Laden.

This summer sequels have dominated the movie industry. Spiderman 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and the sequel of Snakes on Plane: "TB on a Plane...”

The case of Andrew Speaker, the person that boarded a plane while infected with tuberculosis has dominated the news the past couple of days. I don’t know you, but I’m tired of that mother-effing TB on this mother-effing plane.

19-year Coma
A railway worker who emerged from a 19-year coma in Poland said that everything looks prettier now, well not everything, not his wife.

A Polish railway worker emerged from a 19-year coma. His wife said that for 19 years she fed her husband Jan carefully with a spoon and sometimes he tried to say things but it couldn't be understood. Apparently all this time he was trying to say that the soup was too hot.