Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November 15th 2007

A woman asked Presidential candidate John McCain at a public forum in Hilton Head Island: "How do we beat the bitch," referring to Hillary Clinton. Apparently, that was another question planted by the Clinton’s campaign, not Hillary, but Bill.

A woman asked Presidential candidate John McCain at a public forum in Hilton Head Island: "How do we beat the bitch." McCain answered by saying that more than a bitch, Giuliani looks like a prostitute when he is in drag.

A man in India has married a female dog. He’ll never be happy. The guy is destined to live in the dog’s house for the rest of his life.

A man in India has married a female dog. He was then given the title of an honorary Beatle for marrying a bitch.

An Indian man married a dog in order to remove a curse he incurred 15 years ago, when he stoned two other dogs. It sounds like a good idea, but it’ll be difficult for Michael Vick to find a dog that dares marry him.

A man in India has married a female dog. Now that they are married, does he still have to pick up her doo-doo?

A 10-year-old boy who admitted to starting a 38,000-acre fire that destroyed 21 homes in northern Los Angeles County last month will not be charged, prosecutors said Tuesday. That event will stick with him for the rest of his life, as well as his new nickname "Nero."

Republican presidential candidate Tom Tancredo on Monday unveiled a television ad depicting a hooded terrorist detonating a bomb inside a shopping mall. The candidate got the repudiation from most of the people, but won him a phone call from the producers of “24” who are in desperate need of writers.

Vacant houses victims of mortgage fraud and foreclosure are being occupied by vandals who turn them into crime nests. Nobody knows how to stop the criminals, not the ones occupying the vacant houses, but those who sell them.

An Indian girl who had four extra limbs removed by surgery last week is recovering and could be able to walk in six weeks. Unfortunately, now that she lost the extra 4 limbs, Nike has withdrawn the fabulous 10-cents-an-hour offer to work in one of its sweatshops in India.

Target is trying to add warning labels to meat sold in their stores, letting people know it has been "treated" to look fresh. If this idea catches on, we could use the same label on people that have been treated to look fresh, too!