Friday, November 09, 2007

November 9th 2007

According to a new poll, Hillary Clinton is having a hard time attracting male voters. After an arduous and intensive study, Hillary’s campaign strategists told her: "It’s time to show that rack again!"

According to a new poll, Hillary Clinton is having a hard time attracting male voters. After an arduous and intensive study, Hillary’s campaign strategists told her to start a fling with Kucinich’s wife.

Millions of toys called "Aquadots" were recalled because they have the same effect as the date rape drug when ingested. Safety Officials were shocked and claimed that the toys were tested extensively. Officials said they couldn’t remember anything bad happening to them, they just felt they could not sit for a while after that meeting.

Millions of toys called "Aquadots" were recalled because they have the same effect as the date rape drug when ingested. We finally understand what the R stand’s for in Toys R Us.

Millions of toys called "Aquadots" were recalled because they have the same effect as the date rape drug when ingested. Safety officials became suspicious of the toys when a huge order of them was delivered to Neverland Ranch.

Senator Vitter
A prostitute that allegedly had sex with Sen. David Vitter gave Hustler an interview where she shares details of the senator as her client. Fortunately for the Senator, politicians in Washington DC only buy Hustler for the pictures.

Congress debated a bill on Wednesday to ban discrimination against homosexuals in the workplace. Once again Congress selfishly protecting their own asses!

A man hiding in a suitcase and a driver have been detained by Customs and Border Protection officers after a failed smuggling attempt. Apparently the driver claimed he was a ventriloquist and was just carrying a Mexican dummy.

A man named Jesus was found hidden in a suitcase and deported back to Mexico by Customs and Border Protection officers. Jesus said he is not going to give up and next time he is going to hide himself on a toast.

Golden Glove
Padres’ pitcher Greg Maddux won his record 17th Gold Glove at the age of 41. He said he was very happy and that to celebrate he was going to use the golden glove for his first scheduled prostate exam.