Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 13th 2008

While speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Mike Huckabee told the audience that when he was young he didn’t major in math; he majored in miracles. Judging by the pictures we saw of him from the past, he definitely majored in miracle… miracle whips!

While speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Mike Huckabee told the audience that when he was young he didn’t major in math; he majored in miracles. Well, he’d better start multiplying some of his delegates then…

A man listed as one of the state's most dangerous sex offenders has won $10 million in the Massachusetts lottery. He asked to be paid only in 5’s and 10’s.

Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton again Tuesday, this time in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. It is ironic that Hillary’s slogan is “you need a woman to clean the White House” and Obama is the one doing all the sweeping now.

According to a recent poll only 1 out of 10 Democrats gave Bush positive marks. Apparently that was McCain.

President Bush celebrated Abraham Lincoln's birthday Sunday at the White House. The celebration was distinguished with important guests including John McCain who was a young usher at the Ford's Theatre in Washington the day Lincoln was shot.

Sen. John McCain crossed the aisle in the Senate this morning to shake hands with Sen. Barack Obama. The meeting was suddenly interrupted when Obama asked McCain to give him high five and McCain handed his wallet and run away scared.

Paris Hilton's younger brother, Barron Hilton, was arrested Tuesday morning for allegedly driving under the influence, authorities said. Police said he had a good excuse though; he needed the booze because he had just gone to see his sister’s latest movie.