Friday, February 08, 2008

February 8th 2008

Friday Leftovers, you all have a great weekend......By the way for comments please e-mail me at:

Hollywood Strike
It looks like the Hollywood writers' strike could be over as early as this weekend. Writers are very happy because they are now free to audition for any reality show.

Mitt Romney has withdrawn from the Republican presidential race. The campaign managers are planning to send all the useless Mitt 08 buttons to Africa so they can be used as dishes.

John McCain says he has a lot in common with Ronald Reagan, mainly the Alzheimer.

Democratic presidential candidates are accusing McCain of saying that he wants to leave U.S. troops in Iraq for a hundred years. McCain’s campaign staffers went out yesterday to clarify that statement. Apparently, McCain said we should leave the troops in Iraq until he gets to be a hundred which would be in a couple of months.

Super Tuesday
Flavor Flav says he wrote his own name on his Super Tuesday ballot. Apparently, he managed to beat Ron Paul.

Remote Control
Australian police declared a state of emergency at a luxury golf resort yesterday when a drunken man threatened to blow up half a city with his television remote control. Apparently, the guy threatened to use the remote control to tune into one of the American presidential debates.

Florida Firefighters on Tuesday revived several dogs by performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on the animals. The dogs were mad; just because they hump firefighters, that doesn’t give them the right to kiss them.