Friday, February 15, 2008

February 15th 2008

Tons of leftovers today! you all have a great weekend, and please if you want to e-mail me with comments or sugestions please go ahead

The Pentagon plans to shoot down a disabled U.S. spy satellite before it enters the atmosphere after security advisers suggested its re-entry could lead to loss of life. Apparently, the Bush administration claimed they got the tip after water boarding a bunch of Satellite Dishes.

The Pentagon plans to shoot down a disabled U.S. spy satellite before it enters the atmosphere after security advisers suggested its re-entry could lead to loss of life. Democrats immediately complained for the decision and suggested that we negotiate with the satellite first.

NBC News apologized Thursday for the use of vulgarity and disgusting language after Jane Fonda dropped the C word during The Today Show. NBC promised they won’t talk about “Coulter” anymore.

NASA and Speedo have teamed up to develop the world's fastest swimsuit. The US Government immediately summoned the Pentagon to protect the secret, because if this swimsuit falls in the hands of Cubans it could be very dangerous.

On Valentine’s Day, Hillary Clinton called the women of those reporters who were stuck covering her campaign instead of celebrating the holiday with their loved ones. It was very awkward though, because every time Hillary made a call, Bill would answer and say he was already consoling them.

Underwater Car
A SWISS company has invented the world’s first underwater car. They already got tons of requests, all of them from New Orleans.

A SWISS company has invented the world’s first underwater car. If Triple AAA takes years for road side assistance in a normal street, can you imagine when your car breaks down underwater.

Cheap Phone
An Indian cell phone company, called Spice, is releasing a cell phone that only costs $20 dollars. The phone doesn’t have the commodities of other phones, not even a screen, but the worst part is that the cable is too long.