Friday, April 18, 2008

April 18th 2008

Friday leftovers... Please e-mail me with any comments, suggestions, ideas, they are all welcome...

Pope Benedict held mass for fifty thousand people at the Washington Nationals' new stadium Thursday. It didn’t look Papal when the Holiness walked towards the altar erected in the center of the stadium, grabbed his “cojones” several times and spat tobacco.

Pope Benedict XVI plans on his final day in the States to have a big Mass at the New York Yankees Stadium on Sunday. The schedule might change after a request from the New York Knicks to be given their Last Rites.

In a new study by the University of Pennsylvania, 42% of people in households making $30,000 or less said they were very happy. Unfortunately, the study cannot be considered accurate as it was conducted on payday.

A passenger who left his seat to pray in the back of a plane before it took off, was removed by an airport security guard, a witness and the airline said. The guard became suspicious when the person said he was praying to thank for the airplane food he was about to be given.

A passenger who left his seat to pray in the back of a plane before it took off, was removed by an airport security guard, a witness and the airline said. When asked by authorities the passenger said "Wouldn’t you do the same if you saw your pilot drunk?”

More than 10 million people saw the Democratic presidential debate on ABC. The ratings are misleading as people mistook Stephanopoulos with Simon Cowel being harsh with one of the contestants.

More than 10 million people saw the Democratic presidential debate on ABC. I don’t know about you, but I thought I was watching the Rodney King tape with all the beating Obama got.

Critics ripped ABC journalists Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos, hosts of the last Democratic debate, accusing them of favoring Hillary throughout the entire debate. ABC released a statement saying that they were forced to have those hosts after the Pope and the Dalai Lama refused to host the debate.

New research shows painkillers may increase migraines. Especially when you are Rush Limbaugh and you are caught buying them illegally.

New research shows painkillers may increase migraines. Especially when you find out all the things you did wrong after you took several of them.