Monday, May 12, 2008

May 12th 2008

The majority of Americans believe the country is in a recession, the economy is so bad that apparently Jenna Bush got married just for the health insurance benefits.

Jenna Bush married Henry Hager Saturday. The groom was set to receive a master's degree in business administration later this month, but professors gave it to him on Sunday because he proved he’s a business genius by marrying Bush’s daughter.

Some people claim to have seen Hillary Clinton at Jenna Bush’s wedding; it turned out they had seen the ice sculpture.

A Kansas anti-gay group protested near Bush’s ranch on the day of Jenna Bush’s wedding. Apparently, they were against the hiring of so many gay wedding planners.

During the Jenna Bush’s wedding ceremony, the bride threw the bouquet of flowers and all women tried to catch it, except for Condoleezza Rice who was having an avid conversation with Dick Cheney’s daughter.

Mother’s day
Analysts said that the troubled economy dampened Mother’s Day Celebration, especially if you are one of the members of the Texas compound and need to buy presents for every wife.

On Wednesday some congressmen voted against a resolution to celebrate the role of mothers in the Unites States. Apparently, they started to believe all those people that call them SOB’s.

Sen. Barack Obama continues grabbing the support of superdelegates. Yesterday, he received the support of another superdelegate: Iron Man.

18th Child
Michelle Duggar told the media that she’s pregnant with her 18th child. The couple said they were not worried about the money because the new baby will share the diapers with their oldest son.

Michelle Duggar told the media that she’s pregnant with her 18th child. Her doctor has received complaints from his wife because at this point he is more familiar with Duggar’s privates that with his own wife’s.

Michelle Duggar told the media that she’s pregnant with her 18th child. Jim Bob, her husband was immediately named an honorary member of the NBA.

Michelle Duggar told the media that she’s pregnant with her 18th child and she’s due in January or December, or February… Well, after the 17th baby, she probably wouldn’t even notice it when the baby is out.

A study says more women are becoming alcoholic, especially if they continue loosing elections.