Thursday, May 08, 2008

May 8th 2008

Clinton Campaign strategists said they are going to work very hard to make sure the Michigan and Florida delegations are seated in the Democratic convention. Probably because after running such a horrible campaign they might end up working as ushers.

Hillary Clinton said yesterday that she will continue running until there’s a nominee. Apparently, she was about to concede until she saw the same Vet truck that was at the Kentucky Derby driving around the podium.

Lynne Cheney offered Meredith Vieira of The Today’s Show a tour of the Vice President’s residence. The tour was going to be very short, but ended up lasting several hours because Lynne insisted on showing Cheney’s torture chamber.

Lynne Cheney offered Meredith Vieira of The Today’s Show a tour of the Vice President’s residence. Things got a little bit ugly when Meredith grabbed the family portrait and said the boy in the picture looked cute… She was talking about Cheney’s daughter.

Lynne Cheney offered Meredith Vieira of The Today’s Show a tour of the Vice President’s residence. Meredith pointed out that the kitchen is located in the basement, apparently because Dick Cheney doesn’t want people snooping around while he cooks his famous roasted puppies.

Researchers at Harvard Medical School have found that having extra fat in your rear is actually good for your health. Apparently, Kim Kardasian is set to live longer than McCain then.

Researchers at Harvard Medical School have found that having extra fat in your rear is actually good for your health. Good news for Lou Dobbs who is a total ass.

It was reported Thursday that the McCain campaign strategists want to confront speculations about McCain’s age and health and will prepare a team of doctors to answer questions about his health. Actually, they called them "Doctors" but they are really "Archeologists."

During the campaign trail John McCain has joked several times saying that he has more scars than Frankenstein. Unfortunately for him, some people also say he’s got more scars, but less brain that Frankenstein.

The Soccer Premier League in England will barr soccer players who cannot speak English. In the US, the MLB, is thinking of copying the system and will ban players who don’t speak the official language: Spanish.

The Soccer Premier League in England will barr soccer players who cannot speak English. When Lou Dobbs heard the news, he immediately applied for a coaching position in Manchester United.

A small earthquake shook the Washington DC area Tuesday. Everybody got scared in Congress except for Ted Kennedy, who thought the shaking was due to the Martinis he’d had.

According to a recent study the handshake during a job interview is key to landing a job, especially if while you do the handshake you rub your index finger against your employer’s palm.