Friday, May 02, 2008

May 2nd 2008

Friday Leftovers........ for comments e-mail me at
Have a nice weekend.....
A new poll suggests that George W. Bush is the most unpopular president in modern American history, to what Bush said: “Number 1 baby, number 1!!!”

Rep. Vito J. Fossella (R-N.Y.) was arrested overnight in Alexandria and charged with driving while intoxicated, court records showed Thursday. Apparently, lately, politicians and celebrities are the only ones that can afford both gas and booze to drink and drive at the same time.

Nearly 60 percent of African-American children can't swim, the other 40 percent lives in New Orleans.

Nearly 60 percent of African-American children can't swim. I think Obama was playing the odds when he invited Rev. Wright to the beach this weekend.

A 21-year-old North Texas man was arrested last week for trying to cash a $360 billion check. His excuse: I just need to fill the tank of my SUV.

In order to save fuel, airlines are slowing down flights. Apparently, they are going to hire as pilots the same people that are managing our economy.

In order to save fuel, airlines are slowing down flights. The hard thing will be to try to make the peanut last the entire flight.

Some superdelegates switched teams this week. No wonder they are called SUPER! Delegates...