Wednesday, June 25, 2008

June 25th 2008

Another DJ made a controversial racial remark; it was Don Imus... Well, there you go, now we know.

Conservative Christian leader James Dobson says that Barack Obama distorts the Bible in his speeches. Apparently, Obama only distorts the half part before he was born.

A terrorist-themed restaurant opened in Lebanon called buns and guns. They serve the Osama Bin Laden sandwich but it is impossible to find it in the menu.

A terrorist-themed restaurant opened in Lebanon called buns and guns. The most requested dish by Cheney is the Weapons of Mass Destruction breakfast burrito, but the restaurant made it clear thousands of times they don’t serve it there.

A terrorist-themed restaurant opened in Lebanon called buns and guns. They get free plugs from Fox News all the time.

Business at Nevada’s Brothels is down 45% because of gas high prices. Not so much because truckers find it hard to find money to drive to the bordellos, but rather because the price of gas is so high, the trucker’s wives are the ones working in the brothels.

Gas is getting more expensive than beer, shouldn’t gas stations, like bars, have happy hour then?

E-online reported that Lance Armstrong and Kate Hudson were seen playing Tennis on a West L.A. tennis court. The ball moved from side to side..... of his pants...

A Monet water-lily painting sold for $80.5 million Tuesday breaking a record in price, not so much of a surprise considering it was an “oil” painting.

The number of people around the world with at least $1 million in assets passed 10 million for the first time last year, according to a report. And by $1 million in assets they mean your gas tank full.

According to Google trends, more Americans Google the term "Orgy" than "Watermelon", unless you’re Don Imus and you’re researching for joke material.

Mark Soohoo, McCain’s deputy e-campaign director, said John McCain is aware of the Internet. Step by step… McCain just became aware of electricity last year.

The wife of U.S. talk show host Larry King has reportedly been admitted to rehab, suffering from an alleged addiction to painkillers. It is understandable; we don’t have to see Larry when the suspenders don’t hold anything.

Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to the United States Senate Tuesday, a place she has barely seen for the last 16 months. She just went there to pick up her things to leave for her summer vacation.