Tuesday, July 01, 2008

July 1st 2008

According to a survey by the Strategic Counsel in Canada, Obama is the favorite presidential candidate among Canadians. It makes sense; Canadians know that if Obama wins, it is a great chance for them to get rid of all the Americans that went there when Bush won in 2004.

A person in Orlando Florida found cars painted with graffities against Barack Obama and special business cards left near the damaged vehicles contained negative messages about Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain. Apparently, the cards also said: For Smears call 1800-Karl-Rove.

Barack Obama called Bill Clinton and spoke with him on the phone for more than 20 minutes. The conversation turned awry when Bill asked Obama to use a higher-pitched voice and asked him what he was wearing.

Two people caught skinny dipping in a Portland reservoir that is a main source of water for the city nearly caused officials to dump millions of gallons of water and close the facility. But they came to their senses; they bottled the water and now they are selling it as mineral water "Eau the Butte."

A man in Connecticut has been arrested after he allegedly strolled along Interstate 291 wearing nothing but a thong. What Giuliani wouldn’t do to call McCain’s attention for the VP nomination.

It was reported Monday that independent pro-Republican groups are not getting enough donations in this campaign to attack Obama. They can always use Hillary’s strategy... run ads bashing Obama and later ask Obama to pay for them.

The New York Post reported yesterday that Rosie O’Donnel broke with her partner Kelli Carpenter. Rosie clarified the rumors; apparently, she didn’t break with her girlfriend; she broke her girlfriend when she got on top.

According to UPS officials, the drivers of the company have been instructed to take mostly right turns to save money on gas. It is arguable though, our country has taken a right turn for the last 7 years and we have lost a lot of money...

The BBC is airing Tuesday a new show similar to America’s Next Top Model, but with disabled contestants. It is called: Britain’s Next Paul McCartney’s wife.

According to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, Americans eat 818 hot dogs every second during summertime, and that’s only in Al Gore’s house.

On Friday, a rich businessman from Hong Kong named Zhao Danyang bid $2.1 million in a charity auction just to have lunch with Warren Buffet. You can’t imagine his disappointment when he found out that Warren was actually the name of a buffet.

Over the past few months, several cities across the U.S. have been enacting "sagging pants" bans punishable with up to 3 months in jail. Way to encourage people to go on a diet.