Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 17th 2008

Bill Clinton sent an e-mail to Democrats offering a DVD of Hillary & Bill’s convention speeches for $50 dollars and an autographed version for $250. And for a little more than a thousand, you can also get the speech delivered face to face, more or less what they charged Obama to do it at the Democratic National convention.

Bill Clinton sent an e-mail to Democrats offering a DVD of Hillary & Bill’s convention speeches for $50 dollars. It comes with the director’s commentary, explaining how they coached Hillary to pretend she liked Obama.

George Lopez
George Lopez says that he's campaigning for Barack Obama. In other news, Carlos Mencia will launch a new show called: Campaigning for Barack Obama.

Paul McCartney
Paul McCartney has been getting death threats from Islamic terror groups for his decision to perform in Israel. Paul just laughs at the threats; apparently, living with Heather Mills makes you immune to everything.

Paul McCartney has been getting death threats from Islamic terror groups for his decision to perform in Israel... and his last album...

Product Placement
According to Nielsen, the TV show American Idol uses product placement more than any other primetime series. Apparently, they took into account that Paula Abdul is a walking billboard for pharmaceutical companies.

In the news
An Israeli city is using DNA analysis of dog droppings to punish pet owners who don’t scoop up their dog’s mess off the street. The new program gives a deserved break to Mr. Goldberg, the poor guy that was in charge of smelling dog’s asses to find the culprit.

A type of foldable soccer goal is being recalled after its maker received reports of young children getting caught in the net. They will start selling the product again with this warning label: “Parents are not supposed to kick their kids inside the goal to score.”

A survey carried out by The Blue Cross showed that allowing dogs in the workplace helps employees to relax. Especially if you take your pit bull and you put it to guard the food you keep in the work refrigerator.

Police in northern Nigeria have arrested a Muslim preacher who claims 86 wives and 107 children, charging him with breaking Islamic laws governing marriage. The man handed himself in and begged to be incarcerated for life.

Some conservative websites say that the reason why Sarah Palin bought a tanning bed was that she suffers from sun light deprivation. I blame McCain’s campaign staffers, who keep her hiding from the press in a dark basement.

According to a recent study, after both parties’ conventions, Obama had 54,624 mentions in the media compared to McCain's 36,771 mentions. Actually, if we tally the times reporters mistook Obama’s name for Osama, Obama beat McCain by two millions.