Friday, September 19, 2008

September 19th 2008

Friday leftovers! Hey guys if you want to send comments, suggestions, food, or anything, please send me an e-mail at
Have a great weekend

Computer experts have told Sarah Palin that to avoid being hacked in the future, she should choose passwords with words that cannot be associated with her or her family, like condoms.

The FBI said that hackers who broke into Sarah Palin’s e-mails were able to obtain the password by answering the secret question of where the Alaska governor had met her husband. And you call that a hacker? How many places are there in Wasilla where you can meet people?

Recent polls show that the recent financial crisis is affecting John McCain in the polls. How ironic, Bush stopped McCain from being president in 2000, and he’s working on doing the same in 2008.

The Financial Times reported Friday that troubled US investment bank Morgan Stanley is in talks to sell a stake of up to 49 percent to China. The American economy has gone down so much, it went through the core of the earth and ended up in China.

Congress promised quick action on a plan to help collapsing banks. Bush welcomed the news, but said that he didn’t know Tyra had problems with the ratings.

A group of people took refuge from Hurricane Ike inside a church, including a man and his lion. It seems God heard the prayers for food, unfortunately only the lion’s.

In the news
According to a recent survey, the average executive works straight through with no lunch break three days a week. How bad is our economy doing that even executives can’t afford lunch.

A recent survey found that the average executive only takes a 35-minute lunch break. The break is actually two hours, but they spend the rest of the time screwing their secretaries.

A delegate at the GOP convention was robbed of $120,000 by his would-be one-night stand. Don’t worry, he’ll get that money back and even more screwing tons of people if they get elected in 08.

The Virginia Republicans chose George Allen, famous for calling a black person "Macaca", as a speaker of a rally intended to reach out to minority voters in Fairfax County. The event is going to be emceed by Imus, and Michael Richards will warm up the crowd before the event starts.

Former U.S. Rep. Mark Foley isn't expected to face charges after a lengthy investigation into his lurid messages to underage congressional pages. The former congressman welcomed the news and immediately e-mailed his friends to invite them for a celebratory party in Chucky Cheese.

John McCain's campaign Thursday refused to say whether the Republican candidate would welcome Spain's Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. McCain said that it is nothing personal, but he first needs to resolve a problem he had with Christopher Columbus back in the days.