Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November 12th 2008

Did you hear that Sarah Palin now claims she has military experience? Ever since the GOP took all her clothes, she has to go commando.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says she was puzzled by the amount of attention her wardrobe got. Apparently, she is used to getting way more attention when she doesn’t wear any.

Sarah Palin recently declared that she hoped God would show her the open door to the presidency. Ironically, God’s son just closed it for her.

Right after the elections, Sarah Palin gave interviews to Fox, NBC's "Today show” and CNN. Am I the only one the misses the last presidential campaign, when she wasn’t allowed to talk much to the media?

The market continues its steady decline a week after Obama’s victory. A confused John Mccain today called a press conference to announce he's suspending his campaign to return to Washington and fix the economy.

President Bush said Tuesday he regrets saying some things he shouldn't have said, like eight years ago when he said: "I do solemnly swear ..."

President Bush is not getting the offers he expected to write his memoirs. Apparently, publishers know that nobody in his right mind would like to remember anything of his administration after this is over.

Michelle Obama thanked Hillary Clinton for tips on raising children in the public eye. Hillary’s first advice: When your daughters get to college, never let your husband be around when their friends visit the White House.

In the news
A 150-year-old reptile turned up Monday morning in the front yard of its home, following a mysterious six-week disappearance. CNN was concerned they were never going to do another Larry King Live show.

Chinese officials announced yesterday that they're going to dispose of their poisoned milk by mixing it with cement-making materials in order to make bricks. What they don’t say is that the bricks are LEGOs to sell to kids in the US.

According to a new study, one in every 12.5 million spam emails actually gets a response. The problem is that everybody gets almost 12. 5 million spasm emails a day.

Britney Spear’s 2-year-old son was hospitalized in Mississippi over the weekend, after having a bad reaction to something he ate. Apparently, he was chewing on his mom’s latest CD.