Friday, October 31, 2008

October 31st 2008

Friday Leftovers! Hey everybody if you feel like writing an e-mail to send suggestions, comments ideas or whatever, please write at
You all have a nice weekend...

The McCain campaign couldn’t get many people at a rally in Ohio and was forced to bus in 4000 kids in order to fill the event, mostly Sarah Palin’s children and relatives.

Political pundits have been pointing out that Sarah Palin has gone rogue. And Joe Biden, Rogaine.

Joe the plumber
Joe the Plumber is said to record a country album. It’s going to be horrible for him to work as a plumber in the future and discover some of the toilets are clogged because people throw out his CD.

During a rally in Ohio, senator McCain called Joe the plumber to join him on stage, but to no avail. Apparently, Joe was laying pipes in his van with Sarah Palin.

Joe the plumber has been making accusations about Obama that even forced Fox News to have to correct him. He’s smart; he knows it helps his business. Now every time he opens his mouth people feel like throwing up and that clogs toilets.

In the news
A man in England, who lives in a trailer park, spent nearly $160,000 on his 16-year-old daughter’s wedding. Well, actually, it was $80,000 on her daughter’s wedding and $80,000 on her nephew’s.