Friday, October 17, 2008

October 17th 2008

Friday leftovers...if you want to send comments, suggestions, ideas, or anything, please send me an e-mail at:
You all have a nice weekend.. Pedro

Joe the Plumber
According to some newspapers, Joe the plumber may not be a real plumber and may not be planning to buy a plumbing business. So, ironically, Joe the plumber was full of crap.

McCain said he’s thinking of inviting Joe the Plumber to a rally in Toledo, Ohio. The senator said he wanted him close because at his age he’s a got a serious problem of a leaking pipe.

Many media reporters suspect Joe the plumber is not a real plumber. The evidence? They saw him biting his nails... plumbers don't do that...

Joe the plumber gave tons of interviews and proved to be Republican. Democrats were mad and threw the kitchen sink at him. He fixed it.

Sarah Palin said she is hoping to meet Joe the plumber. Apparently, she wants to know if he can fix her daughter’s tubes.

In the news
Maryland's Division of Parole and Probation sent out yard signs for the state's convicted sex offenders to post outside their houses on Halloween. So, tell your kids to look for those signs that read "No candy at this residence" in big letters, and "but a lot of ice-cream and toys” in fresh paint.

Verizon and AT&T installed portable cell towers on John and Cindy McCain's Arizona ranch because the couple didn’t have cell coverage. Now they can call anybody, including the doctor to report the cases of skin cancer.

According to a recent study, having oral relations can cause cancer. And you thought it was hard to convince your wife before...

Brad Sciullo has become the first person to finish the 15-pound burger ,with another 5.2 pounds of toppings , on the menu at Denny's Beer Barrel Pub in Clearfield. If only Joe the plumber had a license.

AIG executives took yet another trip this time spending $86,000 to go hunting in England. Before you get mad, the hunting trip was with Dick Cheney.