Friday, October 10, 2008

October 10th 2008

Friday leftovers (with the economy as it is, leftovers are delicacy now...)
If you wanna send comments, ideas, suggestions or just to say Hi, please e-mail me at
Have a nice weekend. Pedro

On Thursday, the day of the anniversary of the stock market peak, the Dow Jones fell to 8,579. The good thing is that the same flowers brokers got to celebrate the anniversary, were used for the funeral of the market.

The Dow suffered a triple-digit loss for the sixth day in a row, and the average dropped for the seventh day in a row. Now when you hear people saying “Drill Here, Drill Now,” it is not to get oil anymore; it is just to find how low the market went.

We’re getting so poor, we use forks and knives, forks to eat and knives to protect the food from other poor people.

The economy is so bad, Bill Gates went back to working Windows... windows, siding, roofing....

According to a recent survey, the ticket McCain/Palin is poised to lose the Hispanic vote by a landslide margin. Apparently, Latinos heard Palin is fond of shooting wolves, and they are afraid she might enjoy shooting “coyotes” as well.

National Debt Clock
The National Debt Clock in New York City has run out of digits to record the growing figure. The Durst Organization is planning to ad two more digits and, if things continue like this, two more every week.

The National Debt Clock in New York City has run out of digits to record the growing figure. The Durst Organization is planning to ad a new digit... a big middle digit!

Cindy McCain said that Barack Obama should "walk in her shoes" for one day. “Don’t worry, I’ll do it,” said Giuliani.