Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October 14th 2008

Senator John McCain’s advisors said Monday they have revamped the McCain campaign again and are ready for the final stretch. If McCain continues reinventing himself, he’ll be only two reinventions away from being Madonna.

Wall Street stormed back after its worst week ever catapulting the Dow Jones industrials to a 936-point gain. Apparently, people feel safe to invest again because McCain is going to the Letterman show, what means the economy’s recovered.

Wall Street surged hard Monday after several days of falling down. Economists don’t trust the market yet and advise brokers to call their doctor if the surge lasts more than 4 hours.

The National Enquirer says that Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant again and her mom is really mad about it. It is not that Jamie’s mom doesn’t want another grandkid, but this is not the right time to have them, with the economic crisis, magazines are not going to pay much for a cover picture.

In the news
There’s a new term out there being used: "fauxmosexual": a woman who acts like she's into other women in order to turn men on. Like Lindsay Lohan, or Ryan Seacrest.

A Florida woman was arrested for pouring scalding hot water on her husband's groin. She apologized and said she did it because she thought it would have the opposite effect of cold water.

Levi Johnston says he and Bristol Palin haven't decided on a name for their baby yet. Rumors are that if it’s a boy Sarah Palin has in mind two names: Smith or Wesson.

EU scientists warned Monday that listening to MP3 players at too high a volume for more than five hours a week can drive people deaf. Apparently, Bush listened to a lot of loud music on his bike rides, because he hasn’t heard Americans since he got in power.