Friday, December 05, 2008

December 5th 2008

Friday Leftovers! If you want to send some comments, suggestions, ideas, or just some love e-mail me at
You all have a nice weekend.......

The Berlin Zoo is getting rid of Knut, the famous polar bear, because it is now old, all washed up, smelly, because it is not drawing tourists anymore and because it has growled at children. “I hear you,” said Britney Spears.

According to the British tabloids, Amy Winehouse gave her husband a little farewell sex before he went back to prison. He asked for it, because he knew that after that nobody in jail would dare get close to him. What if they caught a disease?

Some people in the media have pointed out that it is kind of ridiculous for the Big Three automakers to ask for $34 billion when the companies are now worth only $4 billion. And then you realize that that is almost the same profit margin of any car salesman.

Barack Obama told a group of donors in California early last year that his first international trip would be to Muslim Indonesia. Apparently, he chose Indonesia because he doesn’t need to go through the hassle of getting a passport because he was born there...

Bill Gates said Thursday he wants to help the Obama administration. That’s why today he sent Obama a Mac.

For the first time after four press conferences, Obama took a question from a black Fox correspondent. It was high time... Fox got a black correspondent...

Sarah Palin was credited by Senator Saxby Chambliss Wednesday for helping him win in Georgia. Apparently the fact the Palin wasn’t running this time helped a lot.

A new study predicts that in ten years, India will have over 400,000 millionaires. “Of course,” said Bush, “they own all the casinos.”